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Writer's pictureA Wayfarer

Taoist Writings: What are you supposed to feel after you meditate? How do you know if you are meditating correctly?

Updated: Jul 31

Taoist Writings on Meditation

These days life is so full of difficult tricky questions to answer. I remember the good old days when people just asked if you’d seen where they’d put their car keys.

You know, I had a nice cup of tea this morning. Mixed herbs. The kinda stuff you get growing in your garden when your back is turned.

The cat asked, how are you supposed to feel after drinking your tea, and how do you know if you are doing it correctly? I spat out some dandelion. What?

I was happy there not thinking about stuff, minding my own business, drinking tea, and then from out of nowhere like it didn’t give a damn about my state of bliss, the cat slinked in and asked that deep roller. Put me right off my biscuit.

What are you supposed to feel after you meditate? That’s a biggie. And how do you know if you are doing it correctly? Double-biggie.

Honestly, it's easier just sitting quietly with a cup of tea. Even if the cat gets in the way. You don’t have to think about stuff. No need for cosmic mudra’s or aligning your ears with your hips and your toes with your er, lost my train of thought there.

How did I feel after the tea? Pretty much like I did while making it I suppose. And did I make it correctly? Yes, I would say I am quite a professional tea maker.

There’s my cat again, staring into space like he’s got nothing to do all day but sit on his arse. Totally vacant. Just looking. And you know, I get really mad when he gets up to walk away, like he keeps that state of doing nothing. Tiptoeing around, got nowhere to go, no plans, maybe dig up some turf in my neighbour’s yard, and still has that blank mindless expression about him. Like nothing troubles him.

Now that I mention it. He often looks blank. I can be playing loud music, like really loud, and he’s curled up, not a flick of his tail, or a twitch of an ear. Just relaxed. Totally at peace.

I’m going to wake him up and ask him, how it feels to be totally vacant, without a thought, and is he doing that not-doing stuff, like really well, and er right? Is he doing it right? Important that is, we like to be right, right, isn’t it?

And then Foyan said something really dumb. Like, when sitting why not meditate, when meditating why not sit?

Last week, I asked my other neighbour if they knew where my cat was.

They asked what it looked like. I just stared at them blankly. They nearly called for a therapist.


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